Gina Carano has joined the Deadpool, the upcoming superhero film to be released by 21st Century Fox, starring Ryan Reynolds. Carano will portray Angel Dust, the mutant that has the power of berserker strength in the comics. She's also a part of the underground mutant group The Murlocks.
Former MMA fighter, Gina Carano is probably best known for her role in 2013's Fast & Furious 6. She is also set to appear in other films like Bus 657, and the Kickboxer reboot.
It is also being reported that the mutant Colossus will also make an appearance in the film, following his appearances in X-Men and X2. It is expected that actor Daniel Cudmore will once again reprise the role for the movie.
Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role and is set to release on February 12, 2016.
Source: THR
Former MMA fighter, Gina Carano is probably best known for her role in 2013's Fast & Furious 6. She is also set to appear in other films like Bus 657, and the Kickboxer reboot.
It is also being reported that the mutant Colossus will also make an appearance in the film, following his appearances in X-Men and X2. It is expected that actor Daniel Cudmore will once again reprise the role for the movie.
Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role and is set to release on February 12, 2016.
Source: THR