The CW has cast actor Marc Singer as Matthew Shrieve in their superhero-drama, Arrow. The actor, famous for his 80s role in 'Beastmaster' will join the series in its upcoming 14th episode, which is set to air early next year.
The official description of the character describes him as:
The official description of the character describes him as:
In the DC Comics, Matthew Shrieve is the leader of a group known as the Creature Commandos. In 'Arrow' he will play a significant role in the latter portion of the season's flashback storyline.
So, it seems while the character may yet not appear in Starling City, Ollie might have to deal with him in his Honk Kong flashbacks. General Matthew Shrieve was created by writer J.M. DeMatteis and artist Pat Broderick in the 1980s, and this will be the first live action portrayal of the character.
Although, in the comics he's shown as the leader of the Creature Commandos, knowing the themes of Arrow, it's unlikely we'll get to see anything of the like in the show. However, Arrow is known for it's shocking twists and turns, so it may not be completely out of the cards.
Arrow will return with new episodes on January 21, 2015.
Source: CBR
Although, in the comics he's shown as the leader of the Creature Commandos, knowing the themes of Arrow, it's unlikely we'll get to see anything of the like in the show. However, Arrow is known for it's shocking twists and turns, so it may not be completely out of the cards.
Arrow will return with new episodes on January 21, 2015.
Source: CBR